Bihar Board 10th Result 2023 LIVE UPDATES: BSEB 10th result date and time officially released
Bihar School Examination Board 2023 Result Will Published on 28-03-2023 at 3:00PM
Bihar Board Class 10 Result 2023: The BSEB Class 10th result 2023 will be declared on March 26 as per the latest official announcement. All the Bihar Board class 10 candidates can check the BSEB Inter Result 2023 on the official website, the link for which is
Links to check result:-
Bihar Board 10th Result 2023 to be declared for all streams together
The Bihar School Education Board (BSEB) will be announcing the Bihar Board 10th results 2023 for all the streams (Science, Arts and Commerce) together. Students can keep a check on the official websites and
Candidates need 33% marks in each subject to pass BSEB 10th class
Those unable to secure the passing marks may appear in compartmental exams after the BSEB 10th result 2021.
Candidates need to score minimum 33% marks in each individual subject to pass their Bihar Board 10th results 2021.

Bihar Board 10th Result 2023: How to check Step -By-Step
Please follow these steps to get your result. Students can follow these steps to check and download their respective results:
- Visit the website of Bihar Board –
- On the home page, click on the ‘Results’.
- Search for the link which says, “Class 10 Intermediate Results.”
- Select your stream and enter your BSEB Bihar Board 10th roll number.
- Click on submit and your BSEB Class 10 Result 2023 will be displayed.
- Download it and take the printout.
Bihar Board 10th Result 2023: How to check via SMS
BSEB Inter Result 2023: After the Bihar Board Class 10 Result 2023 will be released by the board, it is likely that the official website might slow down or crash. In such circumstances, the candidates can check the BSEB 10th board result via SMS.
How to check 10th Result Above all, just send SMS:
- Science result, BSEB Class 10 SMS -BSEB12SRoll Number- to 56263
- Arts results, BSEB Class 10 SMS BSEB12ARoll Number- to 56263
- Commerce results, BSEB Class 10 SMS BSEB12CRoll Number- 56263.